Vault and Secrets

The secure cloud stack includes a secrets management service to store sensitive key/value pairs to be used in the cluster. Secrets, such as credentials, usually have a lifecycle different from the lifecycle of the source code. Therefore it makes sense to handle crendentials and the like through another channel.

Before you begin

There is a requirement for some sensitive data to be provided to the workloads running inside of the cluster.

Access Data

If you want to access sensitive data from the cluster, go to the correct namespace area in the vault and create a new secret in key-value-format. Using external-secrets, you can synchronize this data into a secret resource in the cluster. In the following example, the secret is called ‘vault-secret’, and contains the key ‘pb-secret-key’:

kind: ExternalSecret
  name: vault-secret
    - extract:
        key: k8s/prod1/<namespace>/vault-secret
  refreshInterval: 60s
    kind: SecretStore
    name: vault
    name: "vault-secret"

Using dataFrom, all key-value pairs are synced onto the secret called “vault-secret”. Assuming the secret contain only one key the result should be as seen below.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: vault-secret
type: Opaque
  pb-secret-key: dmVyeS1zZWNyZXQ=

You can check the secret and the value inside your namespace with:

kubectl get secrets vault-secret -n <namespace> -o jsonpath='{.data.pb-secret-secret}' | base64 -D

and your should get the result: very-secret